Weekly Menu
Nutrition Plan
The nutrition plan is intended to guide the program’s nutrition policy and help staff members plan healthy, enticing meals and snacks. The nutrition plan communicates our goals for the health and nutrition of all enrolled children to students, staff, parent/caregivers, and the public.
At Curiosity First we provide children with a meatless nutritious menu that include proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Children will be served meat alternatives like plant-based chicken, sausage, and ground beef as well as eggs, cheese, and beans. Our menu includes whole grains, organic, non-GMO (when possible) foods. We do not serve juice or sugary snacks. We choose not to buy meat products to help reduce greenhouse gases and move our society toward sustainability.
During meals we encourage all children who are able to sit at the table and participate in family style meals. Teachers sit at the table with children and eat the same food they eat to provide a model of appropriate behavior during meals. Teachers also encourage children to try new foods by eating the foods along with the child and engaging them in conversation. These interactions give the teacher and the child an opportunity to learn more about each other and deepen their relationship (teachers also get eat a nice healthy meal too!).
Staff members use the guidance provided by the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) funded by the United State Department of Agriculture to plan meals and snacks. The CACFP informs us of the types of foods we should serve, how often certain foods should be served, and the appropriate portions. With this information we know exactly how much food each student and staff member will need during each meal. Meals are well portioned and balanced to ensure healthy growth and development.
We post the menu on our Parent Information board and on this website for parents and caregivers to review. We hope families find the menu helpful when planning their own meals at home. We also provide handouts and activities to families to help them plan out their meals and encourage their children to try new foods. Parents and caregivers will receive a copy of the nutrition plan in the updated family handbook.
Sample Menu