Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Curriculum
At Curiosity First we implement the Highs Scope Curriculum for all age groups. High Scope provides teachers with a strong academic foundation rooted in 60 years of research. Teachers use the training and resources provided by High Scope to individualize curriculum (lessons and activities) for each child in their classroom.
Our curriculum aligns with the Michigan Department of Education’s quality standards for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Teachers develop lessons based on the development and interests of their students. Our curriculum provides fun, hands-on experiences that focus on each developmental domain: (1) social-emotional development, (2) physical (gross and fine motor) development, (3) speech and language development, and (4) cognitive development. At Curiosity First children receive an inclusive multicultural education taught by early childhood professionals to achieve the highest possible outcome.
Parents and teachers collaborate through our Kaymbu app, parent-teacher conferencing, and daily conversation. These interactions help in the development of authentic relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
I. Multiculturalism and Inclusivity
Family is central to every child’s life and happiness. The values, languages, and traditions of each family enrolled in our program are incorporated into the classroom environment. Children will find books and songs in their family’s home language available in the classroom for the length of their enrollment. Families are encouraged to read books in their home language or about their home country to their child’s classroom. Families are also invited to share stories, recipes, and music in person or virtually.
Incorporating family and heritage into the classroom teaches children to value themselves and to honor their roots. A “multicultural education incorporates the idea that all students—regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, social class, and ethnic, racial, or cultural characteristics—should have an equal opportunity to learn in school” (Banks, 2014). Curiosity First is committed to ensuring each child receives an education that respects and is sensitive to the needs of the child and their family. Multiculturalism is imbedded into the curriculum to ensure that all projects, lessons, and activities are inclusive and social-culturally diverse.
II. Role of the Educator
Teachers provide culturally and developmentally appropriate activities and lessons for the children in their classroom. Teachers will support and extend children’s learning by developing authentic relationships with the child and their family, engaging in play and conversation, and arranging the classroom environment to fit the needs of each child. The teacher collects evidence of the children’s learning through daily observations, samples of their work, pictures/videos, and ongoing assessment. Teachers are always present and available, but they do not make themselves the central focus of the children’s learning. Teachers encourage independence, self-determination, and critical thinking by allowing experimentation and risk taking.
III. Learning Objectives
Social and Emotional Development
o Develop a confident sense of self
o Develop confidence in meeting their own needs or seeking help to get needs met
o Develop relationships with peers and teachers; deepen relationships with parents, family members, and other caregivers
o Manage emotions; respond to the emotions of others
o Interact with peers in a socially and age-appropriate manner
o Creative expression through art, music, language and drama
Physical Development
o Gross Motor – large body movements with increased confidence and coordination over time
o Fine motor – finger dexterity refined and more precise over time
Language Development & Literacy
o Infants and Toddlers
§ Develop attitudes and skills to communicate successfully with others
§ Communicate through symbols/signs, pictures, and stories
§ Respond to stimuli and develop ways to communicate their thoughts and needs
o Preschoolers
§ Engage in conversation on a variety of topics
§ Ask increasingly complex questions over time, answer increasingly complex questions over time
§ Develop listening skills and follow complex, multistep directions
§ Tells stories about the past or future
§ Show interest in books and become aware of environmental print
§ Write to convey meaning
Cognitive Development
o Infants and Toddlers will be given the opportunity to develop and master skills through exploration of the natural world and classroom materials with guidance and encouragement to overcome obstacles as they progress through developmental milestones.
o Preschoolers
§ Mathematics – children will develop skills in: reasoning and problem-solving, classification, patterning, counting, comparing, measuring, predicting, collecting, and analyzing data
§ Science – children will: observe and inquire, explore living and non-living things, understand and appreciate the natural world
§ Social Studies – children will: understand their own relationship to and place in their environment/group/community, understand people and how they live, and develop an appreciation for people from other groups and communities